BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)

BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator

What is BMI?

Body Mass Index, or BMI for short, is a complex mathematical formula that explains why you should get a little heavier but not a lot heavier as you get taller. Therefore, we utilize it to identify those who are and are not typically overweight. You are at a healthy weight if you are Caucasian or African American and your BMI is between 20 and 25. 25 to 30 is considered overweight.

A person over 30 is deemed to be either significantly overweight or headed in the wrong direction. We’ve decreased it since Asians generally don’t tolerate weight gain very well, or they gain it physically and centrally. Given that their BMI is only 25, they are now considered to be very overweight. Again, though, it’s a means of determining if you’re overweight, of regular weight, or severely overweight.

BMI Between Men & Women

It turns out that there is no difference in BMI between men and women. And that is something we must keep in mind. As women, we always assume that they should be lighter and have less muscle than men. No, if you have a guy and a woman of the same height, say 5’8″ or 5’6″, they should weigh the same for their health.

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